When you start off as a marketer, you imagine the type of audience you want to capture through the content that you design. Your buyer persona, i.e., the fictional representation of your ideal customer that might be interested in your product, needs more than just a plain explanation of the product that you are trying to sell. There are many B2B firms that believe in informing their clients about their businesses. They do this through tons of text about what their business model is how they are different from their competition what they think is wrong with their industry, and how they can help in solving those real-world problems through use cases. All this is brilliant when you are trying to stand out from the fray of corporates in and around that specific industry. But what about something like a small sized B2C firm? A customer in today's day and age is flooded with information when they try and search the internet for something. For example, it's midday and your ca...
Revolutionary technologies need an infrastructure that can sustain them. UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, commonly known as drones, were never thought to be used by civilians in the past. However, in today’s day and age, we can look at various industries and the general public indulging in drone related applications. The takeaway from these developments can be pin pointed at the boom of the internet, and various other technologies during the course of the last 20 years. Common application of drones by individuals range from people taking cinematic shots of a scenic view for high quality video content, to engaging themselves in a competitive drone race that involve specifically tuned drones which can reach speeds of up to 120 miles/hour. Taking a look at the broader scheme of things, according to Fortune Business Insights the global commercial drone market size was valued at USD 1.509 billion in 2019 and is projected to reach USD 8.52 billion by 2027. These numbers a...
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